Thursday, April 15, 2010

Active once again

After my 2008 trip to Japan, I let this blog lie unactive since I haven't had any adventures quite as fun as that. But it is now fairly official that I will be going to S. Korea this summer for at least 8 weeks to have more fun (and do some research too). I've changed the name of the blog to reflect the fact that this time, I will be working on Anthozoans (sea anemones and relatives) rather than the super annoying (to work with at least) Medusozans (jellyfish, hydra, ect.). I'm sure that I will end up posting randomly like I did in Japan (I never really did post on all of my travels at the end) but hopefully I'll be a bit better than last time. In any case, I'll post again before I go to talk about exactly where I'm going (short answer Seoul) and what I will be doing while I am there. Ja mata ne/Annyeong!


Sparkling Squirrel said...

Looking forward to reading more of the adventures!

salsis said...

yay, I am eating Korean food I bought in Kansas City.

Jenny said...

Cannot wait to read all about your travels (or anything else you'd like to write about before they begin)!